Michael Dods : Racehorse Trainer

Barney's Blog

  • 11-Jan-2025: Latest News from Denton Hall Stables the home of Michael Dods Racing

Nice and Beasley does it!

Barney McGrew : Ex Racehorse enjoying retirement

Evening all, Barney “I’ve Got My Own Blog” McGrew here again.

Hope all’s well with you. I want to start this week with an update about a little human called Kaden Beasley, whose dad is the Connor Beasley human who rides a lot of our horses in their races.

I told you all a while back that Kaden is aiming to be a jockey when he grows up, and how he'd impressed on his pony going up our beautiful gallops at Denton Hall.

Well, the big breaking news – trot off the press – is that Kaden has now ridden in his first pony race at Kelso Racecourse – AND WON!

He was riding a pony called Stretcholt Hermes, which is a very posh name, isn’t it? I prefer Barney McGrew meself. Much more down to earth.

Anyway, I’d like all the staff at Denton Hall – including the jockeys – to take a good look at the picture of Kaden below and take careful note of his attributes. Look at his perfect balance as he takes the bend. Look at his soft hands on the pony’s neck as he lets him stretch out. And, most importantly, look at the smile on his face! Horses like happy riders and I’d like everyone to emulate his style from now on please - even when it's hissing down and blowing a gale.

I'll keep you up to date with Kaden's progress. Well done young 'un, you’re a star in the making. Come and have a picture taken with me soon - and bring carrots.

P.S. We put all the best pictures involving our horses and staff on the gallery on our website. We've given Kaden pride of place in there. You can have a look here: www.michaeldodsracing.co.uk/denton-hall-gallery/


TALKING of winners, a big well done to Azure Blue for her impressive win at Hamilton the other night, with that nice Paul Mulrennan human in the saddle.

I've always liked Bluey - as I like to call her - ever since she arrived at the yard. She's owned by the Peter Appleton and Anne Elliott humans who had Que Amoro. They've also got Hear Me Roar and Arkenstarr here at Denton Hall. Nice people - I'm pleased for them.

I have a sneaky feeling that Bluey is going places, so keep your eyes on her. That's her below.

TALKING of impressive, did you see my mate Arch Moon bounce back to form with the Connor Beasley human at Haydock on Thursday night? Wow - look at him passing the post in the picture below! 

Bit of background on Archy, or Moony (I can't make my mind up which I prefer). His dad was German Derby winner Sea The Moon and his grandfather was the legendary Sea The Stars - what a bloody horse he was. His mum, Archduchess won a race at Beverley, trained by a human called Rae Guest.

Well done, Archy, lad. I was over the Moony for ya.

I KNOW how much The Gaffer loves having a winner at York, so he'll be well chuffed at having a double with Gale Force Maya and Northern Express yesterday.

I honestly think I might be in love with Galey (as I like to call her). That was her 10th win of her career and I reckon she's getting better with age - a bit like The Gaffer!

As for Northern Express (or Northy as I like to call him), that was some performance under topweight. I know he gets on really well with the Paul Mulrennan human. They could have won pulling a flippin' milk float.

I SEE it's bloody Royal Ascot next week, with all those stupid chuffing hats. Did you know that, up until 1939, Royal Ascot was the only race meeting held at the racecourse? And did you know that, up until about 1920, a flock of up to 400 sheep was used to keep the grounds in pristine condition? There you go - you don't need all those poncey groundsmen! I must tell that Stephen "Bezza" Berry human over at Redcar. Thinks he's got a hard job - but if sheep can do it, it can't be that hard can it?

By the way, Royal Ascot has had a strictly upheld dress code since the 19th century. It was Beau Brummel – a notable human fashion influencer of the time – who started the fashion trends at Royal Ascot. Apparently, he took five hours a day to dress and urged people to polish their boots with champagne! He declared that “men of elegance” must wear perfectly tailored waisted black coats and white cravats with pantaloons to the event.

"Men of elegance"...Mmmm, that'll never apply to The Gaffer, will it?

Anyway, it looks like we've got Brunchy entered in the Royal Hunt Cup, while Woven, Commanche Falls and Blackrod are entered in the Wokingham. Good luck to whoever takes their chance - it's always nice putting one over on those southerners.

FINALLY, I heard a right funny story about a couple of our owners the other day - a local farmer and his wife, who shall remain nameless.

Apparently, the farmer told his missus: "Don't forget the insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows today. I'm off out, so show him where to go when he gets here - I've hammered a nail into the rail above the cow's stall in the barn."

"Yes, I understand," replied his wife.

Off the farmer went to the cattle market and, after a while, the insemination man knocked on the front door.

The farmer's wife took him down to the barn, they walked along the row of cows, and when she saw the nail, she told him: "Aye, this is the one...right here."

The artificial insemination man was very impressed and asked: "How do you know it's this cow?"

"'By the nail over its stall', the wife explained, very confidently.

"Why - what's the nail for?" he enquired.

"Well, I assume it's to hang your trousers on," she replied.

Anyway, folks, I'd better get a mooooooove on before I get into trouble. See ya!



Barney McGrew : Ex Racehorse enjoying retirement