Michael Dods : Racehorse Trainer

Barney's Blog

  • 23-Feb-2025: Latest News from Denton Hall Stables the home of Michael Dods Racing
  • 15-Feb-2025: Second winner of 2025 as Nelson Gay and Lewis Edmunds win at Southwell
  • 24-Jan-2025: King's Crown is our first winner of 2025, going in at Southwell under Billy Loughnane
  • 21-Jan-2025: Glenfinnan and Hale End early entries for the William Hill Lincoln

Here come the dark nights

Barney McGrew : Ex Racehorse enjoying retirement

Evening all,

I’m feeling a bit sad this week because I can tell from the dark nights that we’re nearing the end of the season.

It’s a bit like when the young humans have school holidays, and they don’t see each other for a while.

Some of my buddies hang around but others go off home for their holidays and I miss seeing them.

I don’t like the winters. You really feel the cold at my age, and I’m not a particularly big fan of the National Hunt season. Jumpers are alright, I suppose, but it just seems like a lot of effort to me. The only time I’ve jumped was when I had the snip – so would you.

Anyway, once we get into November, I’ll be starting to wind down the blog for a while. I might dip in and out occasionally, but there’s not going to be so much to write about. To tell you the truth, I’m been suffering from a bit of writer’s cramp, so I could do with the rest.

I really hope you’ve enjoyed Barney’s Blog during the flat season. Even if I say so myself, I’m a bloody good writer – just like I was a bloody good racehorse in my day. I’ve tried to keep you informed and educate you about the racing game, as well as making you chuckle once in a while.

I’ll be back in full flow next year when, hopefully, we’ve seen the back of this bloody coronavirus business. What a pain in the arse that’s been, eh?

I CAN’T let this week pass without saying well done to a couple of stablemates who’ve won over the past week.

John Kirkup won for the second time out of nine races during the 2020 season, this time at Pontefract. Kirky, as I call him, loves it when it’s soft. The heavier the better for that fella.

And I was dead chuffed to see Bellatrixsa win on the mucky stuff at Newcastle the other night. I always knew she'd come good when she was given a proper test of stamina. She was stepping up to two miles for the first time and won really nicely. I can see her developing into a nice stayer as a four-year-old.

By the way, I call her Trixsy. I wanted to call her Belly but she said it wasn't appropriate for a filly. Fair enough.

HOOVES crossed, we might see my old mate Dakota Gold run again before the white stuff starts to fall.

I hear the gaffer is considering running Goldy at Doncaster before the end of the season. He’s another one who likes it soft, so keep an eye on the weather forecast.

FINALLY, my thoughts are turning to Christmas and a couple of people have already asked what I’d like from Santa Claus.

Well, obviously, Polos and carrots are always welcome, but I’ll be sending a letter to Lapland, asking for a few other things:

  • A vibrating rug of my own. We have one in the yard, but it’s shared around, and I’d like one with my name embossed on it in gold please.
  • A nice hot water bottle to put between my legs for the cold nights.
  • Oh, and a picture of my Carole to hang on the stable wall.

That’s not too much to ask, is it?

Take it easy everyone, love

Barney McGrew : Ex Racehorse enjoying retirement